Previous newsletters
June 2024
From Our Convenor
Margaret Atkins
Hi everyone
Well this is my last newsletter to you and I wanted to take the opportunity to thank you for all your support this year. It’s been a privilege to share some time with you and get to know you better.
I’ve been very proud to be the Convenor of such a generous bunch of people.
Life’s a bit crazy in our house at the moment so sewing and knitting when I can has been a good distraction. My son told me yesterday he got to see a 3d photo of his baby girl's face at the ultrasound session they had . I realise I’m getting old when technology has so advanced to gets these amazing photos for prospective parents . Back in my day ultrasound was definitely not the norm let alone 3D images .😊
Our recent retreat was an amazing success with all ladies loving the time to sew and chatter together. I was the food delivery person so it gave me a chance to view some of the great projects under way, and completed, around the table. Such a great group sharing their skills.
I didn’t get the chance to go to the Capital Quilters Exhibition but I know a lot of you did and you told me how amazing it was . I think it’s great that we get to see other groups' work and gain inspiration for them .
The community quilts group had an amazing response to their flyer calling for expressions of interest from groups that work with people who may see benefits from receiving our quilts. 18 quilts were distributed and we can be very proud that our efforts are bringing warmth and happiness to the places and people who need them .
My last words are to thank my Committee and our volunteers, including the ringed-in husbands and partners, for all their work throughout the year. They have been a great team. Without this support we would not have such a successful Guild.
My kind regards to you all , stay safe and well and I know you will continue to enjoy, as I will, being part of an amazing group for many years.
Warm regards
Something New!
Members Page
There is a new page on the website! Its called the Members' Page and its for people to share ideas, quilting info and events with other members (we will have some photos from the recent retreat on here soon). If you have something to sell, or are looking for something specific you need, or if you are looking to start a small quilt group - this is the page for you. It will be curated by the editorial team so just send any enquiries or information to:
Next Guild Meetings
(All meetings and classes are at Waikanae Bridge Club, 27 Elizabeth Street, Waikanae)
Thursday June 6th, 2024, 7.30pm
Tuesday 18th June, 2024, 10am - 3pm
June Meeting
Kapiti Coast Quilters AGM
Thursday June 6th 2024
For Agenda, Minutes of Previous Meeting, Convenor's Report, Financial Reports, Committee Nominees and other papers go to AGM Page
Anna Hicks
NB We are sorry to hear that our advertised speaker, Polly Lind, has Covid and will be unable to attend. Anna Hicks has kindly agreed to come this month instead of next.
Anna Hicks is a sustainable textile artist from Wellington, New Zealand. She has a fashion degree from Massey University and is a passionate advocate for sustainability and the health benefits of creativity. She works mainly with waste materials to create a variety of textile art and sustainable fashion. She enjoys nothing more than the challenge of working with what you’ve got. You can read more about Anna here
Speakers at Evening Meetings 2024
July 4th TBC
August 1st Maree Luckman TBC
For more information on speakers click here
Hall and Supper Duty
Thankyou to the following people who have agreed to help out at our next meetings.
June Hall Supper
Robyn Roberts Maree Luckman Vivienne Cannel Shalyn Schwabe
July Robyn Hayward Megan Bruynel
Virginia McKenzie Emily Chippindale
Classes 2024
Every quilter has a masterpiece inside.
Dianne Southey - Inktense Pencil Painting
15 June
You will be using Inktense pencils on fabric to create new and interesting fabric and add colour to existing fabrics. There are still a few places in this class, contact Donna Jordan to register. You do not need to have a set of Inktense pencils, Dianne will bring hers and share for a small fee (Needs list from Donna)
NB A YouTube video is available on the "Classes" page to give some information about this technique (is not part of the class) Click Here
Donna Jordan is taking names for this class now at
Upcoming Classes
24th August - Di Barnden- Circles and Squares
For more information on classes click here
To Book a place in any class please pay $40 (per day) to the Guild Account 01-1167-0013764-00.
Put your name and the class tutor's name in the references. Information and enquiries about all classes - Donna at
Community Quilts
We recently sent out a flyer to a group of Community -based Social Service organisations in Kapiti and we had a wonderful response. We were able to give 18 quilts to people supported by Whanau Wellbeing Hub, The Road Forward, Grandparents Raising Grandchildren, MSD and Community Connections (Disabilities). Below left is Cecilee Donovan Co-ordinator of Grandparents Raising Grandchildren and on the right, Volunteers with The Road Forward, Survivor Experience with one of the quilts they received. For more photos of the donated quilts see our page.Community Quilts page.
Community Quilts meets every second month on the third Saturday so the dates for our meetings this year are:
July 20th
September 21st
November 16th
10am to 3pm
Waikanae Bridge Club
Elizabeth Street
Members can access material to sew quilts between those dates by contacting committee members - see contact details here
Library and Resources
Latest Acquisitions -
Fabric Weaving - Play with Color and Pattern
Matthew Boudreaux and Tara J Curtis
Nautical Quilts - 12 Stitched and Quilted Projects Celebrating the Sea
Lynette Anderson
For more information about these books see Resources Page
Capital Quilters' Exhibition Slides
One of the recent events listed here was the Capital Quilters Exhbition which was held for the first time in 4 years. One of our members, Vickie McGovern attended. Some of her friends couldn't so she took pictures of some of the quilts. If you couldn't get there (or even if you could but want to see the quilts again), they are available on our new Members Page.
Taupo Quiltmakers - The Fabric of Aotearoa
28- 30th June 2024
Great Lake Centre
Story Place
Guest Exhibitor - Debra De Lorenazo
Auckland Quiltmakers Show & Market
5th and 6th July 2024
773 New North Road, Mt Albert,
2024 Quilt Symposium - 2nd -6th October
Class Registrations Now Open
!!Closing June 24th 2024!!
2025 Advance Advance Notice!! 2025
Great New Zealand Quilt Show
May 16-18
For more Information on these events see Notices and Events Page here
Your committee 2022-23
Margaret Atkins 0272066572 Convenor
Deputy Convenor
Kay Mills 021497278 Co-Secretary and membership Secretary
Donna Jordan 0274249060 Classes and Speakers
Anne Lynn 0212624387 Hostess and asst. Secretary
Corinne Gower 021715474 Treasurer
Anne O'Callaghan 0274714175 Asst. Hostess
Marion Shanks 0273236446 Raffles and Day Meeting
Pat Webster 021609129 Website & Newsletter Editor
Pamela van Velzen 0226575967 Library and Resources
Community Quilts Committee
Bobby Duncan 0272779632
Marg Iacoppi 0212315762
Maree Luckman 0211754787
Pat Webster 021609129
Exhibition Committee Convenors
Suzanne Sage 0272817200
Jane McNamara 0211267622
If you have any news, ideas or events that you would like to see included in the newsletter please contact Pat Webster at